Saturday, February 20, 2010

what's in a name?

that which we call a chili by any other name would smell as spicy.The following is a compiled list I attempted to keep during my 10 months in Thailand of names that made me smile or puzzled me, some that made me chuckle when I would go back and think of them later and others that just plain had me doubled over the second I heard them. I'd like to say I was laughing with the people, although I'm not sure some would have got the joke...These are nicknames that people use as opposed to their formal names. They are used almost all the time and nearly everyone has one. Pancake JediSmile Tiger & Lion (brothers)Milk Sing SingOil PoohSea game SantaPop PunBang IQBeer FreshieMeowBirdGuyChampoo (like 'shampoo')KangarooMooSighNoIcePorn...

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