Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ecuador - general thoughts and tips

Ecuador is a small but mighty country. The terrain is some of the most varied on earth: Amazon rainforest, vibrant volcanoes, massive mountains and exotic eco-systems. From the Andes to the Galapagos, from indigenous towns to modern cities, this tiny country really has something to offer everyone. Most of the people are humble, kind and extremely proud of their country. There is a sense of competitiveness between the different cities and the coast as to where “the best” place of Ecuador is – but depending on what you’re searching, for that answer can as varied as the inhabitants that argue the matter. The capital, Quito, is a pretty dodgy place. Crime abounds here, mostly in the form of theft. I met many people who had their bags slashed and items stolen, or had things taken straight from...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baños, Cuenca, Vilcabamba - Ecuador

A lovely 30 minute bus ride from Salasaca is the tourist worthy town of Banos. The draw is the natural thermal hot springs and availability for outdoor sports such as canyoning, rock climbing, rafting and hiking. Our first free weekend from work a group of us headed that way for 50 cents on a nice, windy bus ride through the mountains, and after a week in Salasaca somehow Banos felt like the “big city”; even though you can walk around the square town in about 30 minutes and see all there is to see. The buildings are cute and colorful; the streets are cobble stone and filled with folks for weekend fun. Ice cream and handmade taffy are as frequent as little restaurants with cheap almuerzos and tour agencies. After a quick lunch we went...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Escuela Katitawa - Salasaca, Ecuador

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. The Dalai Lama Going to Salasaca and volunteering at the Katitawa School started off as a way to travel cheaper, figuring that for that one week I would spend only the $10 donation and then whatever I needed for dinner and the occasional cold adult beverage. I couldn’t foresee how much I would adore the children, love the town and appreciate the beauty and simplicity all around me. After arriving in town, I headed for the library connected with the school, where I met a few of the volunteers and was taken to the house where everyone lives. At that time there were 15...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Otavalo & Mitad del Mundo - Ecuador

Two lovely day trips from Quito made for quite a nice weekend – Otavalo, an indigenous town in the Imbabura province, is known for its lively Saturday market. There is no shortage of handmade textiles, many of which are spun from wool. Colorful sweaters, bags, scarves, wall hangings, purses and hammocks dominate the entire town for the day, and the streets are packed with foreigners and Ecuadorians alike. The prices are competitive and low, I feel lucky I managed to escape with only purchasing a necklace, a pair of earrings and a scarf! There is also quite a large food market with everything from fruits and vegetables to bread and sweets to entire pigs laid out with their body parts being chopped off one by one as people pick what they...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quito and the Guayasamin School - Ecuador

Sometimes it’s hard to just travel and have so much fun all the time, so I decided to enroll in a Spanish school in Quito, Ecuador. Well, that and the fact that I was tired of piecing together nouns and verbs in such nonsensical ways and getting blank stares from old and young alike when I tried to explain something in detail, beyond “Where is the bus station?” or “How much for a dorm room?” After about 5 minutes of searching, I found the Guayasamin School, a charming little place in the heart of Mariscal, a super touristy part of town. While I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of being among all the visitors while trying to study, at least the area has some nice cafes, restaurants and bookstores. The school is named for Oswaldo Guayasamin,...

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