Saturday, January 19, 2013

a little haven in Hampi

The enigma surrounding Hampi is enticing enough by itself, but given that Amanda and Ben were there, and given that I had just survived 8 hours on the Hell Train, it was all the more extraordinary to be there! Crossed by wooden boat over to Hampi Island, tramped through the rice paddies in the rain with all my stuff towards the guesthouse Goan Corner, and soon enough saw some other Westerners, some cows and a few goats headed my way. And then there they were in the flesh, The Tulin's! SO happy to see some smiley faces from home, it made all the wretchedness of the day of travel just disappear.  Hampi is the home of the former Jijayanagara Empire, a super power in south India from 1336 - 1646, and now the home of a UNESCO World Heritage...

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